
Things I feel are worth!

27 Oct 2022

For each element in a list, Find count of divisors present in the list.

Given a list of integers, find count of divisors present in the list. The number is divisor of itself. The list may contain duplicates. Each element is equal to or greater than 1. Elements in the list can be in any order.

This solution solves the problem in n(log(m)) where m is the max element as compared to straight n^2.

from collections import Counter, defaultdict

def divisor_count(list_given):

    # find maximum element in the list
    max_n = max(list_given)

    # find frequencies
    freq = Counter(list_given)
    out = defaultdict(int)
    for i in freq:
      # Choose an element, take multiples of that 
      # element upto max element
      for j in range(i, max_n + 1, i):
        # If multiple found in the list, add current 
        # element as divisor
        if j in freq:
          out[j] += freq[i]

    return max(out.values()), out

arr = [2, 8, 2, 5, 6, 10, 3]
max_divisor_count, divisor_count_map = divisor_count(arr)
print(f"Maximum number of divisors for a number in the list: {max_divisor_count}")
print(f"Divisor map: {divisor_count_map}")

Output is as follows:

Maximum number of divisors for a number in the list: 4
Divisor map: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {2: 2, 6: 4, 8: 3, 10: 4, 5: 1, 3: 1})